Hi there. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little more about me and Her Beautiful Mess. This little store aims to provide Brides-to-be, Florists, Event Stylists and Wedding Photographers beautiful and often heirloom details to incorporate into life's special moment . I also offer a bespoke dyeing service, creating your dream colours from eco-eco-freindly natural plant or mineral dyes.
I love working with plant and mineral dyes to colour silk and other organic fabrics. To be able to magic a deep golden yellow from a pile of onion skins or a moody grey from Eucalyptus leaves and rusty nails fascinates me.I try to only use fabrics which are ethically sourced, cruelty free and fair trade and source hand-loomed fabrics from small women's co-ops in India. Girl power!
I am 'arty' and a little messy, despite being a Virgo (go figure?) I prefer to call it organised chaos. I love all things design, fashion and art, so one of my problems with this little venture was nailing down the link between all the things I love. Then it finally stuck - colour. The subtle muted tones and the vibrant jewel tones alike. I am guessing the diverse range of colours I love has been influenced by all the environments I've lived in over my 53 years. From the hyper colours of my childhood spent in Tropical North Queensland, the dusty, warm and hazy hues of the outback, the rich terracotta reds and endless blues skies of the Pilbara coast, to the quieter cooler tones of Southern WA.
During a difficult time in my life I spent time rediscovering the alchemy that is natural dying. My beloved husband and soulmate had been diagnosed with terminal Melanoma and it was during the time I cared for him that dyeing became a solace of sorts. The focus needed to achieve each step in the process of creating lasting living colour helped take my mind from the sadness and despair, if only for a few hours at a time. After his passing and during the soul searching of grief I remembered a dream of wanting to own some sort of Wedding or Bridal shop as a young girl, and so Her Beautiful Mess was born. Isn't it funny how things come around in life?
I'm also a proud mother of a daughter and two son's, and a Nanny to a beautiful baby girl and am lucky to have met another lovely man who walks beside me. My trade is graphic design, but I've also worked in corporate event design and planning.
My journey here has been a long one filled with frustrations and self doubt but I survived and here we are. I'm sure you've had your own similar trials too. I hope you enjoy browsing these pages of pretty little things, either made by my own hands or curated with heart especially for you.
Please feel free to email hello@herbeautifulmess.com.au or phone 0419 964 969 with any questions or concerns. Local pick-up for PERTH residents can be arranged by entering the discount code LOCAL COLLECTION at checkout to void shipping charges. I will then email you to arrange a suitable time and date to collect.
Warm wishes